A New Year

The 2014-2015 academic year means plenty of changes for ACS

Welcome back! It's that time of year again - as summer fades and classes begin again, we come to face the fact that we have to head back to school. And because we know this transition might be difficult for some, Duquesne ACS is already working to try and make it easier! This year, we'll be introducing a few changes to the way ACS works at Duquesne, one of which is designed to help our members have the best academic and extracurricular experiences possible at Duquesne. We're taking this initiative by creating mentoring groups - all of our current (as well as new) members will be assigned to one of the groups based on their major and interests. We think that these groups will be a great way for new students to get acclimated to Duquesne, as well as learn some tips from experienced upperclassmen. You'll be learning more about your mentoring group during the first few meetings, so be sure to attend!

In addition to mentoring groups, we'll also be adding more volunteer events. We're also looking into the possibility of hosting "green chemistry" events on campus, so stay tuned for more information about that! We'll be discussing these topics and more at the first meeting (information session), so stop by to share your input!

First Meeting (Info Session)
When: September 2, 9:00 PM
Where: Wolfe Lecture Hall, Bayer Learning Center